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AIO Runtime Libraries by wilenty 03.24

这是个非常不错的由国外My Digital Life论坛wilenty网友制作的VC++运行库合集安装包,体积小巧装机必备,这款合集包组装了所有Visual C ++运行库最新版,安装可自选VC++运行库版本,安装过程可以卸载已经装过的部分VC++运行库旧版本并重新安装最新版,避免造成重复安装或卸载程序里显示版本错乱现象。




Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2005x64: 8.0.61186 {All x64 systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2008x64: 9.0.30729.7523 {All x64 systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2010x64: 10.0.40219.473 {All x64 systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2012x64: 11.0.61135.400 {All x64 systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2013x64: 12.0.40664.00 {All x64 systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2015x64: 14.0.24516.00 {XPx64 / 2003x64} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2017x64: 14.13.26020.00 {Vistax64 / W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64 / W10x64} Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package - SE (x64): 2.0.50728 {XPx64} Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): 10.0.60830 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64 / W10x64} Windows 10 Universal CRT: KB2999226+KB3118401 {Vistax64 / W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012: 11.0.60603 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2013 - Update 1: 12.0.30918 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015: 14.0.23829 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1x64 / W10x64} MSXML 6 Service Pack 2 (x64): 6.20.2017.0 {XPx64}

(附注:'+' /  'x86+' 也适用64位系统,深蓝字体高亮显示的为增强版)

ViVisual C++ Runtime Libraries 2005x86: 8.0.61187 {All x86+ systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2008x86: 9.0.30729.7523 {All x86+ systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2010x86: 10.0.40219.473 {All x86+ systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2012x86: 11.0.61135.400 {All x86+ systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2013x86: 12.0.40664.00 {All x86+ systems} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2015x86: 14.0.24516.00 {XPx86+ / 2003x86+} Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2017x86: 14.13.26020.00 {Vistax86+ / W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+ / W10x86+} Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package - SE: 2.0.50728 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+} Visual F# 2.0 Runtime (x86): 10.0.40219 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+} Windows 10 Universal CRT: KB2999226+KB3118401 {Vistax86 / W7x86 / W8x86 / W8.1x86}Visual F# 3.0 Installer (x86): 11.0.50727 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+}Visual F# 3.1.2: 12.0.30815 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+}Visual F# 4.0: 14.0.23020 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+ / W10x86+}Visual F# 4.1 SDK: 14.0.23801 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+ / W10x86+} Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime: 10.0.60830 {W7x86 / W8x86 / W8.1x86 / W10x86} Windows 10 Universal CRT: KB2999226+KB3118401 {Vistax86 / W7x86 / W8x86 / W8.1x86}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012: 11.0.60603 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2013 - Update 1: 12.0.30918 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+}Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015: 14.0.23829 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1x86+ / W10x86+} MSXML 6 Service Pack 2: 6.20.2017.0 {XPx86+} MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser: 4.30.2117.0 {XPx86+}

Old 32bit Runtimes (x86+): Visual C++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0 Visual C++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls: Visual Basic 5.0 Runtime: Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime: 6.00.9782 Old 16bit Runtimes (x86 only): Visual Basic 4.0 runtime library:


AIO Runtime Libraries by Wilenty (Installer/Uninstaller) + Big Pack http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_aio_installeruninstaller.html

v18.03.24 (2018-03-24): I added that the DLL search field is now always in the center of the window, regardless of its size.

v18.3.18 (2018-03-18): As you have already noticed, I removed the animation at the start of the program, due to the negative rating of some people, as well as the animation at the end. I added a font size change using the keyboard shortcuts to increase: "[ALT]+[+]", or to zoom out: "[ALT]+[-]" A small note, first change the font size, and only then enlarge the program window, it will look better. :) It does not depend on me, so I'm just telling you what I noticed. Or move gently behind the edge of the window after changing the font size. :) Temporarily, I did not hide two options in the drop down list, namely: **"Automatic Update" and **"Remove using MSI files". ** Before using the above-mentioned functions, it is recommended to fully uninstall all installed runtime libraries. I added the LOG button on "Automatic Update" and "Remove using MSI files" so that you do not have to go back to the menu to see the results. I added that the program shows the size of components to be installed and uninstalled. From now, all checksums will be published under this link: https://www.jottacloud.com/p/wilenty/32035ec0b57d46cd84c14a37149f99fb/list


/SILENT /NORESTART 自动安装所有,防止安装时或装完后请求重启系统。 /Update /SILENT /NORESTART 自动更新安装,安装过程自动判断跳过已经安装的版本。 /UninstallALL /SILENT /NORESTART 自动卸载所有,防止安装时或装完后请求重启系统。


标准版 (36MB) 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14x3E_9c8UBPQdjNSWctDrg

增强版 (72MB) 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14x3E_9c8UBPQdjNSWctDrg


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AIO Runtime Libraries by wilenty 03.24:等您坐沙发呢!

